Singing fountains

One of the most interesting sights of Prague is singing fountains in the park complex Vystaviste.
Singing fountains

One of the most interesting sights of Prague is singing fountains in the park complex Vystaviste. Here in Prague, singing fountains Křižíkova fontána attract many tourists and local residents.
On Vystaviste singing fountains - a huge swimming pool with several fountains, and the stage for a colorful show in the middle. Water jets and illuminated by iridescent sounding the beat of classical or modern music, change the height, pressure, depict various shapes.

Under legendary "Swan Lake", PI Tchaikovsky, as well as the famous aria, the huge jet fountains merge with light and music create an unforgettable mystery enchant and enthrall both adults and very young viewers. Since 2000 Singing fountains have become more spectacular and impressive by the fact that a water screen projected images show.
The program includes singing fountains with music in different fields and genres. What are the compositions you can hear, despite the beautiful winding fountains? Of course, you will enjoy classic works such as "The Four Seasons" by Antonio Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky's ballet "Romeo and Juliet", "Tristan and Isolde", "Notre Dame de Paris", opera classics: Bocelli, Safina, Dion. Sometimes it also sounds hits of contemporary music Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, Adele, Rihanna, Rock Antonio also often beautiful "dancing" fountains are often accompanied by a soundtrack to the films "Pretty Woman", "reduced".

Every nedelyuprogrammy changed and added new ones, which can be seen on the official website. Overall, the program is a show with rock, pop, dance, classical music. Organizers of the presentation thought through every detail in his show, without losing sight of the slightest detail. Surely, this is an amazing show will leave on your heart a lasting impression. Everyone will find something that they like.
Ticket price - 226 kroons. Tickets are not specified places

On The Map


How to get there?
Address: U Výstaviště 1/20, Praha 7
You can get to the underground station Nádraží Holešovice, Vystaviste is just five minutes from the metro station. It also ride the trams numbered 12, 17, 24; 53, 54. To stop: Výstaviště Holešovic